Thursday, August 5, 2010

I think that there are two believes that the enemy is aways trying to mess up in our lives:

1.)God isn't who he says that he is
2.)We are not who God says we are

And we can trace this back these lies even back to the Garden of Eden. In the fall, the serpent lies to Eve, after he criticizingly asks Eve whether God said that she could not eat of the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, (Gensis 3:1). He then lies to her by saying:

“You will not surely die. For God knows that when you eat of it (fruit of the tree) your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” Gensis 3: 4-5 ESV

The serpent lies by what God said would happen will not. That would be the lie about God, making him something he said he isn't. Then the lie about us is that we, will be like God, hence having a greater status. I think it is noteworthy that the serpent lied to Eve trying to create the things that go him kicked out of heaven the first place. Satin fell because of his rebellion, and he rebelled because of pride. He thought that wanted to be like God, thus rebelling and getting booted out.
I think that understanding God for who he is, there half the battle of the Christian walk. We need to constantly be asking God to reveal to us his nature. We know in our minds that God is things like; good, kind, all loving, slow to anger, just, righteous, and full of grace and mercy, but head knowledge isn't really what our relationship needs to be about. Rather, the qualities of God need to be taken to heart, from the knowledge of the mind, to the God given understanding of the heart.

But it is the spirit in man, the breath of the Almighty, that makes him understand. Job 32: 8 ESV

I love that verse! To understand things, and especially things of God's nature we need him to “breath” understanding into us. So how do we do this, we ask for it! As of lately I realized that I didn't see God as the kind and loving God that he says he is. So I asked for it through prayer. It was as simple as saying a prayer like: “God I do not see you as the kind and loving God that you say that you are, so please reveal yourself to me.” I remember later that day, I felt God's presence just fall upon me as I was shopping that day. And I felt just an incredible sense of kindness around me. So much so that it was hard to understand people around me, or take anything seriously. I felt so loved, in a world around me that felt very much the opposite. God is a being of the here and the now, and we can encounter note just at church, or at times of prayer and bible reading, but in the everyday stuff that is life. God shows up to us, and sometimes transforms us from the inside out, and though the world around may be dark, it seems that well walk in the light. No one was really exceptionally kind to me first, really God Spirit touched and interacted with mine.
So the process of relationship with God I think is so much easier that many think, ask him to reveal himself to you and wait faithfully. And when he does we see that our lives are changed from the inside out. It is so much easier to love others when you are full of the love of God. I think we often think that Christianity is a battle. Which it is, but a battle against evil, not a battle to be “good.”God is so faithful to give, but first we must ask. God isn't rude. And if you don't want the good and perfect things he gives he will totally respect that and not give them.

“And I tell you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened.” Luke 11: 9-11 ESV

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